The most interesting puzzle game!
Are you smart, intelligent and diligent? Then, just for you - the most interesting puzzle game! Open only part of the picture and guess what it displays. But to solve the picture by Cat you need imagination and ingenuity. Because specially for skilled players game was complicated to the highest level.
In the new version of the game "Press and guess HARD" are only selected pictures - entertaining and unusual. It is necessary to break the head and to include the imagination! To beat clever Cat, it is necessary to think unconventionally and to offer the most unexpected options. Check the forces!
Became thoughtful? Nothing to worry! Just use sour cream received for the correct answers to take from Cat few tips. And scratch a paunch of angry Cat in the main menu, maybe, it will make him happy? :)
Feed Cat with sour cream, and you will see at once that his mood in the main menu considerably improved.
It is impossible to solve the image even with the tips? Skip a level and come back to it later in the game.
Between levels, while Cat is thinking about a new question, read informative facts about cats, replenish your stock of unusual and interesting phrases and aphorisms.
With each update we try to make the game more entertaining and challenging!
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